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Opening hours

We open 8am - 5.30pm Monday to Thursday 

We are open year round apart from bank holidays and four weeks holiday over the year (two of these weeks are at Christmas) when the setting is closed.

The sessions are as follows:

Morning:  8am - 1pm 

Afternoon: 1pm - 5.30pm 

Full day: 8am - 5.30pm

If you need different hours that may be longer or shorter then please let me know. We sit and have dinner around 4.40pm, so collection without dinner needs to be by 4.30 or 5.30 if staying for dinner, so that it doesn't impact on the children. 


We also provide a wrap-around care for Finstock Church of England Primary school Village school.

7.30 - 8.40am Breakfast club - includes breakfast and school drop off,

3-5.30pm From the school hall.


The sessions are £5.70 per hour and includes all meals, drinks, activities and groups we attend.


 We also accept 15 hours childcare Funding places for 9 months old and 2 years olds.


We ask parents to provide a bag with change of clothes, plus sun cream, hat or waterproof which can stay at the setting.



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